A bridge to the future of children
A bridge to the future of children
A bridge to the future of children
“bridge” between children and the future

Saphan means “bridge” in Thai.

May we be a “bridge” between children and the future.
May we be a “bridge” between Thailand and Japan.

With that in mind, we will create a society where children can decide their own path without being influenced by the environment.


A society where children can decide their own path without being influenced by the environment


  • Give children an opportunity to find and discover something that they can be enthusiastic about
  • Cheer and support children and their desire to challenge something new
  • Support children’s future


To play the role of guiding new and colorful ideas out of children, and to build a cycle in society that proactively absorbs those innovative ideas

We are looking for people who can support us with

the aim of realizing a society where children can decide their own path.

Saphan Coffee

This coffee is made by Saphan’s partner, Karen farmers in Thailand.

Through coffee, we will approach the opportunity gap for children in Thailand by providing them with career education and creating jobs!

Activities through Coffee

Fair trade

We work directly with partner farmers of the Karen tribe, a hill tribe in Thailand! The coffee farm is located in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in a Karen village called Huay Sompoi vilage, which is home to about 100 small farm families. While emphasizing quality over quantity, we work with several farmers to grow and harvest our coffee in cooperation with them to produce organic, high quality beans!

In-kind support for immigrant school operations

Thailand has many immigrants from neighboring countries such as Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos. The educational level of the children of immigrants is low, and the immigrant schools that the children of immigrants attend are not equipped with an environment where the children can receive the minimum necessary education. We would like to, little by little, first of all, create an environment where children can receive the minimum necessary education in each of the schools we are currently involved with.

Package Making

We asked the children at the immigrant school to draw a picture one by one, and together we made a coffee package! Children in other countries love to draw and each of their drawings has a story to tell. I would be very happy if you can feel close to children in other countries through their “pictures”!

Roasting Experience

Our partner farmers offer coffee classes, mainly roasting, for upper grade children in immigrant schools who are interested in cafes, coffee, and agriculture…We believe that childhood experiences have a great influence on future choices, and we hope that these experiences will be a bridge to their future!


Please feel free to contact us for anything related to our activities, to discuss your work, or to cooperate with us.