We held a Christmas online exchange party connecting NPO Japan Senior Digital Support Association and children of Ban 9 school, a school for immigrant children in Thailand! Kobe seniors gathered at Cafe Hanayu in Higashinada-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, with online participation by Thai children and Tokushima Prefecture seniors. Since it was close to Christmas, everyone enjoyed wearing Santa hats.

I also talked about Thailand, children, coffee, etc., in the hope of giving the seniors a chance to feel a little bit of overseas and to deliver a part of Thailand to them, even though it is a niche world (^^)/.
The seniors sang Christmas songs to the children as Christmas presents and taught them radio calisthenics, which the children enjoyed doing for the first time, just as they had seen it.
Also, it was snowing in Tokushima, so they showed the children the snow through the online! The children had never seen snow before, so they were very happy!
It was a wonderful time for the children from Thailand and the seniors from Kobe and Tokushima to connect online, transcending language and cultural barriers!

We hope this exchange will be a good experience for both the Japanese seniors and the Thai children.
In addition to the coffee experience, we would like to continue to create various opportunities such as this online exchange with Japan so that all children can have a variety of experiences regardless of their environment ✨.
If you are interested in having an online exchange event with children, please feel free to contact us through the inquiry form.