2021– date –
Immigration School teachers
Immigrant schools for children from Myanmar have teachers from a wide range of ages, around 20-50 years old. Is the male-female ratio about 80% female? The number of women is increasing. Five questions to six immigrant school teachers: w... -
Occupations of Immigrants
Most of the immigrants from Myanmar to Thailand work on a daily basis. For example, factory workers, construction workers, field workers, maids, etc. It seems that there are many hard work such as factory workers and construction workers... -
Saphan coffee birth story
When I wanted to approach the two causes of unstable employment of children, the lack of career education and the lack of regular employment, I was looking for something that was familiar to many people and would be a gateway. It was an ... -
Dreams of Immigrant Children
It seems that many children aged 10 to 15 who have become able to work to some extent quit school and start working for their household budget. We asked a total of 20 children, 10 to 15 years old, 10 children who went to school and 10 ch... -
Children of immigrants go to Immigration school (MLC)
Tak province located in the border with Myanmar in Thailand, there are 10,000 children of immigrants from Myanmar. Children go to immigrant schools from kindergarten (3 years of age) to high school (18 years) and receive education. The e... -
Thai Coffee Tasting Party at Working holiday café 【2021.11】
On November 14, 2021, a Saphan coffee tasting party was held at Working holiday café, a global alumni association to lower the hurdles for working holiday and study abroad held regularly in Osaka . Coffee is currently sold in 1.2 cups of...